Aphrodisian Women deserve to find greater consciousness, life skills, and inner peace. Why not start your healing journey now?
The book Goddess of Sex: From Seductress to Love explores the archetype of a “seductress,” the shaming and psychological suffering they experience, and how they can create a healthy lifestyle in which career and romance contribute to realizing self-actualization. The book channels wisdom, the interdisciplinary and multifaceted science of psychology and mythology for Aphrodisian Women and those who love them, coaches, and those seeking healing of relationships.
Through this healing journey, you will learn how to cultivate self-reliance and self-confidence for a future grounded in self-love. Evolved Aphrodisian Women never have to discard their gifts or hide behind some other archetypal mask; instead, they must utilize their gifts constructively.
Please complete the contact form below if you have additional questions or are interested in working with Dr. Pam.